
We grant donations and sponsorships to entities to promote the development of research, projects and initiatives that positively impact the physical and mental health of the Puerto Rican population.

Starting May 15, 2024, all donation and/or sponsorship applicants must complete and submit our online application form.


Latino Medical Student Association

Support for the LMSA event of the Medical Sciences Campus for medical students, residents and faculty of the 4 medical schools of Puerto Rico.

Grupo Enlace

Donation to pay for PAP tests and dermatological biopsies at the event Clínica Mujer Metro.

MedGala 2024

Sponsorship for the MedGala event organized by the class of 2025 of Ponce Health Sciences University.

Pre-Medical Circle UPR-M

Donation to cover costs of the 13th Conservatory of Health Professionals prepared by the organization Círculo de Pre-Médicos of the UPR-Mayagüez campus


Donation to cover the cost of the Future MD Shadowing Program, awards for outstanding students in shadowing, and organizational operating expenses.

POPZE project

Donation to complete and publish epigenetics results from the nested PRO-SOLEAR study (Study of Life Experiences, Adversity and Resilience).

Ponce Research Institute

Support for a prevention initiative at the San Lucas Medical Residence to improve understanding of the disease preeclampsia among pregnant patients.

Health Career Collaborative Academy

Second time donation for the Health Career Collaborative Academy program, which promotes the study of health sciences in high school students.

PHSU Scientific Journal

Donation for the creation of an open access indexed scientific journal at Ponce Health Sciences University

Proyecto Enlace

Health services for women presented at the Metro Women's Clinic event.

Medicina Urbana

Donation to an organization at the Universidad Central del Caribe, which is to continue offering health clinics around the Island and carry out research on the population served.

POPZE project

Donation to the ProSOLEAR study (Study of Life Experiences, Adversity and Resilience) of the consequences of adversity in pregnant women. It is part of the Pediatric Outcomes of Prenatal Zika Exposure project.

UPRP Biotech Summer Experience 2023

Summer Camp offered to high school students at the University of Puerto Rico, Ponce Campus.

Gastroenterology Interest Group and American Medical Association

Two student groups from the School of Medicine-Ponce Health Sciences University that carried out a community service to the municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico, providing clinical services, offering health talks and delivering medical equipment.

San Lucas Summer Science Internship

Donation for the enrollment of 5 high school students for the San Lucas Summer Science Internship Camp.

Health Career Collaborative Academy

Donation for the Health Career Collaborative Academy program, which promotes the study of health sciences in high school students.

Proyecto Enlace

Health services to communities under the Student Run Free Clinics model.

RCMI – Ponce Research Institute

Supported community leaders from the Community Training Institute for Health Disparities to develop research on obesity among residents of communities in the southern area.

Global Brigades Medical Chapter PHSU

Donation for the enrollment of 17 medicine students in the Medical TeleBrigades Program.

PHSU Primary Care Psychology Program

Mental health assistance program for residents of Guayanilla and Guánica.

Clínica del Sur

Emergency aid for medical assistance to residents of the southern area during earthquakes.

Ponce Research Institute

Emergency assistance to provide classroom spaces for high school students in Guánica after the earthquakes.

Prostate Cancer Biomarker Research

Support to research


Donation for university youth mental health research in the aftermath of earthquakes and pandemics.

Sponsorship of educational activities for the prevention of cancer in young people.

Centro Salud Justicia

Creation of continuing medical education courses to establish a protocol for the identification and referral of patients who are victims of sexual violence.

Cancer Interest Group PHSU

Support to a cancer prevention clinic for medicine students in the municipality of Utuado.

Haití se pone de pie

Emergency donation for medicines for people affected by the hurricane in The Bahamas.

ZIKA Research

Funding to continue research on "Pediatric Outcomes of Prenatal Zika Exposure" by Dr. Luisa Alvarado.

Sponsorship of educational entities and projects

  • Escuela Especializada Thomas Armstrong Toro
  • Centro San Francisco
  • CienciaPR

    Sponsorship of organizations that help homeless people

    • Centro Cristo Pobre
    • Amor que Sana